If you are a dreamer, a doer, a horizon viewer - come in! come in! Announce yourself and let it be known.
The seed of adventure has been sown.

The goal is to take this boat on a trip that no other Wharram boat has taken.
From Great Slave Lake in Canada's Northwest Territories up the MacKenzie River to the Beafort Sea
and westward to the Bering Sea and south to the inside passage on the Alaska and British Columbia coast.

Friday, November 02, 2007

October has flown by and now it is November and I have had little time or opportunity to use Tsunamichaser. I suppose I could blame it on the weather of Puget Sound partly - it has been pretty wet and cold and after a summer of long sunny days it's hard to motivate when there is ever decreasing day and increasing night. These are days of reading books in front of a fire. I have another thing getting in the way of sailing too that is tearing at me. A massive development project that former collegues of mine have slowly drawn me into, tapping my expertise on such things. I can't give the details away but if it all works out it would have a huge positive social impact. So it's a worthy cause but it's not sailing. I'll have to let it run its course and see where it takes me which could be back to full-time work for a some years. No stepping off into the void quite yet.

I've got Tsunamichaser temporarily docked and she is fairing well. After a couple of weeks of not having been onboard during which time there were a succession of intense storms, I had expected to find some some wear and tear and water in the cabins. Not a drop! My seat boxes leak a little but I never built them to be waterproof. I spent the sunny day last week (just one, thats all we get!) crawling around and checking up on everything and found it as had been. The outboard started on the second pull, the hull lashings were still as tight as the day they were made and the mast was still standing. What could be better. While I was working away a fellow transient cruiser, who has his boat tied up to the same dock, stopped by for a chat. It turned into a long discussion as he was very interested to know more about Wharrams. He had just returned from four years of cruising about the South Pacific with his wife in their monohull and either couldn't catch up to them or get in behind the reefs where only the shallow draft of a cat will allow you to go. The one Tiki 26 he got near in Australia he didn't get much time out of the owner as the fellow was off to a 'barbie" that night and then was gone the next morning up the coast with a crowd on newly made girlfriends. Who knows maybe he'll become a Wharram sailor too now that he's had a chance to look around.

The next couple of months will likely not be the best months for sailing, besides there is skiing to think about. Hopefully the project I'm involved will will either solidify for me or vaporize from my life. I love the challenge and anyway it always seems to go that way - too busy or nothing on the go.

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