I have entered unknown territory - the fine art of perectly fairing the hull so that it is smooth and fair in all directions. If you don't take risks you will never know so I am trying two methods. One where you use a serrated spreader to create a series of ridges. Once cured, these ridges are sanded so that the peaks are knocked off to a common plane. This is the final surface. Know the theory says that you fill in the valleys in between the sanded peaks bringing it all to one height and hopefully a perfect surface. The other method involves applying the fairing compound over the whole surface and then sanding the whole surface until it is smooth. We will see, in the next few days, how it all turns out. Hopefully both sides will look great. Fairing isn't taking the whole day so I am continuing the work on the rudders. They are now glassed on both sides. Wharram doesn't mention glassing them but it makes sense. I glassed the full blades both sides. The next step will be to cut out and glue on the thickening cheeks for the upper end of the rudders and then adding the resting cheeks for the tiller.
I have sent a email to my boat lumber supplier to get a quote for additional plywood (I can get 5x10 sheets so I can do the foward decks in one piece) and lumber for the mast and boom which will be of Sitka Spruce. I had considered building the mast out of aluminum but haven't found a reasonably priced 5" OD tube locally. After much searching, I have commited to the wood spars.
I figured out today that I have 170 days until my planned launch date. So far I have put 63 days into the project. All of these 170 days won't be available for building but I will make the best of them. I think I have about 110 days of building available. At this point it still looks like I'll be done as planned. Not that it really matters other than that I'd love to spend the summer sailing.
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