If you are a dreamer, a doer, a horizon viewer - come in! come in! Announce yourself and let it be known.
The seed of adventure has been sown.

The goal is to take this boat on a trip that no other Wharram boat has taken.
From Great Slave Lake in Canada's Northwest Territories up the MacKenzie River to the Beafort Sea
and westward to the Bering Sea and south to the inside passage on the Alaska and British Columbia coast.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

After a good clean up of the shed, removal of most of the tools and laying down of tarps over the ground under Hull 1, I'm ready to prime. I spent a full day sanding and touching up the epoxy. I prepped Hull 1 and 2, the four beams, the mast and gaff and the hatches primer ready. The problem is you could sand and touch up the epoxy forever. I don't think my prep work will make it look like it popped out of a mould or come off an assembly line. It's somewhere between workboat and yacht. There are suppose to be showers overnight lasting until midmorning so after that I'll shoot primer. SystemThree primer is a water-based epoxy product that goes on better if it isn't too warm or too dry. I have to mask the windows and the hatches but otherwise with some luck I should be able to prime tomorrow if the showers don't carry-on. I have to get the cockpit caught up to the rest of the work. The outside is ready for glass though I may not have enough fabric left. I'm running out of epoxy too, I have about three quarters of a gallon of resin left. I guess I can always get more of both if I need them.


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