If you are a dreamer, a doer, a horizon viewer - come in! come in! Announce yourself and let it be known.
The seed of adventure has been sown.

The goal is to take this boat on a trip that no other Wharram boat has taken.
From Great Slave Lake in Canada's Northwest Territories up the MacKenzie River to the Beafort Sea
and westward to the Bering Sea and south to the inside passage on the Alaska and British Columbia coast.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Here is link to the Tiki 21 i have been helping on. It is quite a gathering and some interesting folks have been dropping by including Michael Schacht of Proafile.com. The goal is to launch this summer.



Blogger beretten said...

Hey Tom
Tell your pals thanks for the honorable mentioning. In my insurmountable ignorance first I thought it was an insult. A quick visit to www.thefreedictionary.com to learn about the paragon recomposed my ego to functional standards...
Happy Wharraming throughout the new year!
Captain of a landlicking sculpture called Aluna...

9:51 PM  

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